Fellowship of Suffering with Christ

Matthew 27:32

There are levels of fellowship, and the highest level is suffering with Christ or for Christ.
As we continue celebrating black history, our ancestors were well acquainted with suffering.
As distasteful as suffering is, it brings about inward might and perseverance in the struggle.

We as a people have a history of suffering:
  • We suffered in the fellowship of being betrayed by our own brothers in Africa.
  • We suffered in the fellowship of the mid-Atlantic voyage as we were transported from west Africa to America.
  • We suffered in the fellowship on the slave plantations throughout the south.

I believe the fellowship of suffering that our ancestors endured is a source of encouragement as well as strength for our journey.
The highest level of fellowship is to share in the fellowship of suffering with Christ.
Jesus suffered on many levels to pay for our redemption.
  1. Jesus suffered mentally for our sake.
  2. Jesus suffered emotionally for our sake.
  3. Jesus suffered physically for our sake.
And I am extremely elated to share with you today that a black man shared in the fellowship of suffering with Christ.
The highest level of fellowship that changed his life forever and is a badge of honor for black people all over the world.
Matthew 27:32, “And as they came out, they found a man of Cyrene, Simon by name: him they compelled to bear his cross.”
Three noted facts in this text.
  1. Simon was a free man who was in the wrong place at the right time.
  2. Simon’s physical appearance is the reason he was chosen.
  3. Simon experienced fellowship with Christ like no other.
As we continue celebrating our rich heritage it is good to know as a black people our history with Jesus Christ.
Black people have played a pivotal role in Christianity from the start, not as those who are enemies of the cross had stated, that black were people were introduced to Christianity on the slave plantations.
Here is a black man who shared in carrying Jesus’ cross to Calvary to pay the ultimate price for our sins.
I am not sure whether Simon knew Jesus before this meeting, but I am confident that as they walked together the Via Dolosa to a hill called Calvary.
Simon meets the Savior and was saved that day, and he carried the gospel message back to Africa and two of his sons, Alexander and Rufus were well known Christians (Mark 15:21).
Fellowship of Suffering with Christ.
I.     Simon was a free man who was in the wrong place at the right time.
  1. He was not a slave, if he was the bible would have said so.
  • History suggest that he was a businessman in town on business.
  • He was an educated man.
  1. He was in the wrong place because it was chaotic.
  • He walked upon an angry mob.
  • He walked upon evil at work.
  1. It was the right time because Jesus was there.
  • Simon met the Savior of the world.
It was a chaotic place, an evil place but wherever Jesus is, it’s the right place at the right time. Jesus makes chaotic, evil places holy.

II.    Simon’s physical appearance is the reason he was chosen.
  1. The Bible does not say what Simon looked like but when we consider the need.
  • Jesus had been beaten, battled and bruised.
  • Jesus had been up all night long in courts enduring three mocked trials.
  • Jesus is exhausted and had carried his cross as far as he could.
  • The Roman soldiers had a charge to crucify Jesus.
  1. They looked for someone in the crowd who was big enough and strong enough to help Jesus carry his crossed.
  2. Roman law dictated that the person who was to be crucified was to carry his cross but they made an exception they saw Jesus needed help physically.
The hymn: Must Jesus bear the cross alone and all the world go free!

III.   Simon experience fellowship with Christ like no other.
        “And as they came out they found a man of Cyrene, Simon by name: him they compelled to bear his cross.”
  1. Sometimes our best experience with God is unexpected.
  • Simon did not expect to meet the Savior on that day.
  • It was unexpected but it was a divine appointment by God.
  1. God loves black people as He does all people.
  • God put Simon there to meet His Son, Jesus.
They compelled Simon to carry Jesus’ cross, not because of his color but because of his stature.
  • It was an order from the Roman government through the soldier in charge.
  • They meant it for evil, but God meant it for good.
  1. A black man shared in Jesus’ suffering through bearing the cross of Calvary.

Jesus and Simon, shoulder to shoulder marched up the Via Dolosa, the way of sorrow!
  1. As Simon shared the load of the cross.
  2. Jesus shared the message of the gospel.
I am the way the truth and the life, no man comes unto the Father but by me!
I am the bridge that carried Israel over the Red Sea.
I am Jacob’s ladder!
I am the wheel in the middle of the wheel.
I am Abraham’s ram in the bush.
I believe Jesus told this black man I am on my way to pay for your sins and the sins of the whole world!