Honoring Mothers is an act of Fellowship with God

I Peter 3:1-7

There are a number of ways to demonstrate fellowship with God.

I preached from Psa. 133:1-3 and those three verses concluded with the valuable lesson of loving and serving together, God commanded the blessing.

I see a similar lesson concerning honoring mothers according to  I Peter 3:1-7 and Eph. 6:1-3.

Eph.6:1-3. God commands children to honor their mother, that their life may be well with you, and you may live a long time and be blessed.

I Peter 3:1-7. God says to the husband, honor your wife, that your prayers be not hindered.

Therefore, contextually, and hermeneutically if children and husbands don’t honor their mother and wife, they violate their fellowship with God and when you do that God withholds your blessing. The same way He withheld the rain from Israel causing their crops to die.

So, it is of our benefit to honor mothers as God has commanded all of us to do.

Honoring mothers demonstrates our fellowship with God and to live outside of fellowship with God is dangerous living.

The Bible says we are to honor mothers, it did put a condition upon our honoring, because when we give honor to whom honor is due, we are honoring God.

So, we’ve come to worship and praise God through honoring mothers. 

I.     Honor mothers because of their power of persuasion- vs. 1-4.
II.    Honor mothers because they trust in God- vs.5-6.
III.   Husbands honor your wife because she is a mother- vs. 7.

The Bible is clear, that children are to honor their mother and God will bless your life in many ways.

But men, we are to honor our mother and our wife because it demonstrates our fellowship with God in a powerful way.

I.     Honor mothers because of their power of persuasion- vs. 1-4.
  1. Mothers are persuasive through placing themselves in godly order.
  • Ye wives be in submission to your own husband- (hupotasso to arrange in order)
  1. Mother’s power of persuasiveness through evangelizing their husband through godly living.
  • If any husband obeys not the word, a mother without a word may win him to Christ through godly living.
  1. Mother’s persuading power is not through her outward appearance but through her inner spiritual maturity.
  • Through her meek and quiet spirit, which in the sight of God is a great price.
We honor mothers because of their power of persuasion!

II.    Honor mothers because they trust in God- vs. 5-6.

“For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves being in subjection unto their own husbands,”

  1. Women are in the majority in trusting God.
  2. Holy women trust God through submitting themselves unto their own husband.
  • Not because the husband is better but because God commanded it to be so.
  1. Mothers with faith follows in Sara’s footsteps of trusting God.
  • Even as Sara obeyed Abraham calling him lord: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well and are not afraid with any amazement (with understanding).
Honor your mother because you have seen her trust God in the most difficult situations.

III.   Husbands honor your wife because she is a mother- vs. 7.

“Like, ye husbands dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honor unto the wife as unto the weaker vessel and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.”

  1. Husbands honor your wife through understanding your wife.
  • Dwell with them according to knowledge is to live in fellowship with her through Christ.
  1. Give honor to your wife as the weaker vessel.
  • Wives are physically weaker than their husband by God’s design.
  • Weaker does not mean inferior but rather precious, fragile, and expensive.
  • As one takes care of precious jewelry, so is he to take care of his wife, in doing so she is being honored.
  1. Honor your wife as being heirs together of grace.
  • Honor her as being an equal partner in life.
  • Honor her as being equal in creation.
  • Honor her as being equal in salvation.
  • Honor her as being an equal recipient of God’s grace.
God is clear and concise in his designed purpose of honoring mothers, not just on one day but every day.

He says to children honor your mother, that things will be well with you, and you may have long lives.

Now, the husband, honor your wife, that your prayers be not hindered.

God says by not honoring your wife fellowship is broken with God and He closes his door on any prayers that are sent up to him.

God says no matter how well you pray, I will not hear your prayers.

No matter how well you are living, I will not hear your prayers if you choose not to honor your wife.

God says I will not open a door for you, but I will close many doors in your face!

God says I will not make a way for you, but I will stand in your way!

Mothers are precious, valuable jewels in the sight of God, and we are to treat them as such.

Thank God for mothers, thank God for my mother, who God allowed to live on this earth for 84 years and now she is living in heaven with Jesus.

I thank God for allowing me to live with my mothers for 60 years of my life.